Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reasons to drink it black

Let's be honest, most of us, if not all, hate drinking our coffee black. What you probably don't know is drinking it black can be better for you. Here are 5 reasons to drink it black: 1. Learn the taste of real coffee It is nice to be able to appreciate coffee for what it really is. You will find that once you enjoy drinking black coffee you will take pleasure in picking and choosing your own blends in supermarkets or coffee shops. 2. Do it for your health Black coffee is calorie and sugar free, it contains fiber and regular consumption of coffee decrease the risk of type II diabetes. 3. Mental and Physical Energy By drinking black coffee you will get the energizing effect and mental clarity far quicker as there is no milk or cream in the coffee to slow its absorption and dull down the effects. This makes black coffee before exercise work as a great performance enhancer as has been proven in several studies. 4. Its easy to make All you need is ground coffee and a coffe maker, and you are good to go, giving you the ability to brew up great coffee before a great workout or during a mid-afternoon slump. 5. ITS CHEAP The cheapest coffee at coffee shops, is all most always black coffee. So if you are trying to stay in shape, appreciate coffee the way you are meant to enjoy it, and that is by drinking it black.


  1. By drinking your coffee black obviously you mean no cream, but do you mean no sugar or sweetener as well?

  2. yes, black coffee means nothing else is added to the coffee. No cream, no sugar, no sweetner.
